Our Story
In 1952 Pastor John Martin, along with a few other families, was commissioned by a local church to begin an outreach in the Greenville/Stuarts Draft area. With a focus on reaching the community for Christ, the group began hosting Bible school and evangelistic services in addition to regular Sunday school and Sunday worship gatherings. In those days, the group met in a nearby, vacant Presbyterian church until 1957 when they broke ground on our existing building on Cold Springs Road. In time, the name Greenmonte was chosen for its proximity to Greenville and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Today we are an inter-generational fellowship made up of more than 200 people from all walks of life. From the very beginning, Greenmonte's mission has been about sharing the good news of Jesus' love in word and deed, and extending a welcoming hand to all people. We're a church with a big heart and big dreams, because we have a big God! In all that we do, we're living to know and love Jesus.
Greenmonte Fellowship has an Anabaptist heritage and is affiliated with the Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Greenmonte Fellowship has an Anabaptist heritage and is affiliated with the Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Our Mission
live to know and love jesus
Our Vision
We GROW in our faith together, SERVE our neighbors in love, and GO out into the world with the good news of the gospel.

Jesus offers us the free gift of salvation. This salvation is walked out in fellowship with other believers. Together, we journey on a lifelong process of sanctification: becoming more like Christ. At Greenmonte, we are passionate about making disciples who are living to know and love Jesus.
Each believer is gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve their church and community in unique ways. Our abilities, talents, and spiritual gifts were all given to us by God. At Greenmonte, every believer is a minister and every job is important! We delight in loving God and our neighbor through acts of love and service.
God sends us out into the world to baptize and make disciples, that others would hear the good news of the gospel and become followers of Jesus. We participate in local missions efforts in Augusta County and surrounding areas, and we send and support missionaries all over the globe.